Amanusa hotel Bali

Nusa Dua 80363" Kawasan Bali Golf & Country Club Nusa Dua-bali Indonesia

Room Facilities at Amanusa Hotel in Bali

There are 35 thatched-roof suites to provide you a healthy and hygienic stay. Enjoy a royal stay at Amanusa Hotel, Bali.

Hotel Amenities and Services at Amanusa Hotel in Bali

Dining at Amanusa Hotel in Bali
Come to The Terrace, the onsite eatery to have some of your favorite cuisine along with a stunning view of the Indian Ocean.

Business and Conference at Amanusa Hotel in Bali
The conference room of this hotel can accommodate up to 30 people. Besies, all other corporate facilities will also be at your service, had you been a business traveler boarding at this beautiful hotel.

Fitness and Recreation at Amanusa Hotel in Bali
Regarding fitness and recreational activities there are facilities like—
- Swimming Pool
- Tennis
- Massage and Beauty Treatments
- Sporting Events

Other Amenities and Services at Amanusa Hotel in Bali
Along with all four-star hotel amenities, this accommodation features—
- The Beach Club
- Library
- Boutique and Gallery

Room TypeSingle Double/TwinTriple
Garden Suite798 US$798 US$939 US$
Deluxe Suite1,009 US$
1,009 US$
1,150 US$
Standard 1,063 US$
1,063 US$
1,267 US$
Pool Suite1,221 US$
1,221 US$
1,362 US$
Amanusa Suite1,644 US$1,644 US$1,766 US$

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